Are your highlighters edding 24 or the edding 345 inkjet - suitable?

By "suitable for inkjet", you probably mean whether a printed text can be marked perfectly with the highlighter. Firstly, it is not possible to make a general statement, as different ink manufacturers use different formulas for their inks and it therefore also depends on the printer ink used and results can vary.

We have tested this for laser printers and inkjet printers. With laser printers, the highlighters tend to achieve better results than with inkjet-printed texts. The reason for this is the chemistry of the print: with laser printers, a paste is heated by the laser and deposited on the paper. This paste can have any properties, but does not have to be water-soluble. However, standard household inkjet printers that print on paper often print with aqueous ink via a small needle. Water-based inks can be smeared by the water-based highlighter ink. However, a drying time of several hours significantly improves the marking result.

If you are using a laser printer, we do not see any problems. With inkjet printers, the combination should be tested beforehand if necessary. We would recommend the e-24 in pastel shades or the e-345 in grey, yellow, turquoise and orange.

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